This window is available for authorized visitors only
This window is available for authorized visitors only
This window is available for authorized visitors only
This window is available for authorized visitors only
02:53 In game NewbieBot won Newbie
02:54 Newbie invites Bot
02:54 A new game started. Playing Newbie and Bot
02:57 In game NewbieBot won Newbie
02:57 Newbie invites Bot
02:57 A new game started. Playing Newbie and Bot
03:01 In game NewbieBot won Newbie
03:02 Newbie invites Bot
03:02 A new game started. Playing Newbie and Bot
03:04 In game NewbieBot won Newbie
03:14 vic invites Bot
03:14 A new game started. Playing Bot and vic
03:25 In game Botvic won Bot
03:25 vic invites Bot
03:25 A new game started. Playing Bot and vic
03:38 In game Botvic won Bot
04:23 vic invites Bot
04:23 A new game started. Playing vic and Bot
04:39 Game between Bot and vic is over with draw
05:48 A new game started. Playing Guest and Bot
05:50 Bot invites to play
05:50 In game GuestBot won Guest
05:50 A new game started. Playing Guest and Bot
05:50 In game GuestBot won Guest
05:50 A new game started. Playing Invisible and Guest
05:55 Invisible invites to play
05:55 Bot invites to play
05:55 In game GuestInvisible won Guest
05:55 A new game started. Playing Guest and Bot
This window is available for authorized visitors only
Demo video.

To sign in or up - click the door icon.

Then go to make new game window and create an invitation or join the game in games archive. Timeout governs the time during which an invitation will be active and player' time on move or whole game, depending of the selected option. Once time is up, game is lost - in case there was any opportunity to make a checkmate, otherwise there will be a draw. A side is given randomly. To definitely play for White or Black use "double game" option.

At games archive window you may see all games.

game analysis - you may put there any game of any player and check a different combinations, while choosing a best move in the position. Also watch here a balance of powers on chessboard. And two more functions are: a PGN viewer for external games and a PGN extractor - for internal.

players - list of players, ordered by sign up date. Use it to pick a playmate. Under the link all - all members, online - players who have been online in last 5 minutes, bookmarked - bookmarked players, ignored - people whom you dislike.

settings - different settings.

To compose or solve a problem go to chess problems. The publication of puzzles becomes available after 10 completed games. Before that, they can be composed for private access only.

Current game notation is writing to the log. Here you can give up, offer a draw or cancel the game (at very beginning).

public log - contains all site events.

To upload an avatar after registration, quit from the game, select the tab [registration], enter your existing username and password and add the avatar, then click the login button.

You can change your password without using email via the form on the forum. To do this, you must firstly log out of your account.

The addition to time on the opponent’s timer when playing blitz (without Fisher’s control) is connected with the compensation of technical time.

sign up [enter] password try

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